All our lives have been drastically changed since the pandemic. This major change in our daily routine has led many to feel a significant decline with their cognition. Since the pandemic many have reported increased memory difficulties such as losing their train of thought or forgetting recent events.. Others have reported word finding difficulties feeling as though a word is on the tip of their tongue and they can’t find the word they are looking for.

Due to the restrictions from the pandemic it is crucial to engage in cognitive activities to prevent future memory loss. Learning something new on a consistent basis is critical to maintain healthy brain function. The brain needs to be exercised and used constantly.  Here are some things that you can do to help maintain a healthy lifestyle for your brain during this time. 

  • Devote 15 minutes a day to a new hobby or learning.
  • Listen to classical music to enhance your mind.
  • Take a class about something new and interesting.
  • Change up daily routines to stimulate new parts of the brain.

Think of your brain like any other muscle in the body. The more you use your brain the more improvement you will see in processing and recalling information. The best way to improve your brain is to do activities that get you out of your box and challenge you. These challenges create new brain pathways leading to overall brain improvement.